How To Get Good Search Engine Placement - Part 3
With your re-ordered keyword phrase list ready to go, you are now prepared to find out which of them will be your top-line phrases.
Top-line keyword phrases are the ones that get the most number of searches with the lowest number of other sites competing for those phrases. For example, let's say that your site is about Widgets and in the last step you found the phrase "new widgets" got 10,000 searches last month. The phrase "green widgets" only got 1,200 searches last month. You want to find out how many other websites are already competing for each of those phrases. You find that "new widgets" has 3 million other sites competing for the top listings and "green widgets" has only 300,000 other sites competing for it. "Green widgets" would be a better phrase to optimize your site for because you have a much better chance of getting a high listing for that phrase because there is much less competition trying to get the top spots. Sure it would be great to get some of those 10,000 people searching for "new widgets". But optimizing your site for a keyword phrase that gets tons of searches doesn't do you any good if you don't stand a chance at getting into the top 20 listings for that phrase. Don't be greedy. Go for the lower searched phrase with less competition and you'll get listed well and actually get a significant number of visitors. By the way, successfully competing with 300,000 and sometimes even 3,000,000 other sites is not as difficult as you might think. Our website has several top 10 listings for keyword phrases with that many competitors and more. We got them by doing the same steps we are teaching you here. The reason why it sometimes isn't very difficult is because many of those competing sites got there by accident, so it is can be easy to bump them out if you are actively targeting the search phrase on purpose. However, you have to learn to crawl before you can walk and how to walk before you can run. Trying to break into a field of 3,000,000 other sites offering the same things you do will be easier once you have a full understanding and practised the fundementals for a while with less competition. By now your keyword phrase list has shrunk to about 20 - 30. Out of those 20 - 30 you want 10 - 15 top-line phrases. To figure those out, go to the Google search engine. As of the writing of this article Google is the current king in the search engine world. That may change someday and if it does just use the new current king. Anyway, go there and do a search for each of your remaining keyword phrases on your list. Google will tell you the total number of results found somewhere near the top of results page. Write that number next to each keyword phrase on your list. When you have finished writing all those numbers next to your list you'll need to re-arrange them in a new order again. Re-order them from least competition to highest competition. Make sure that each phrase still has the number of searches done last month next to it as well. The keyword phrase with the most number of searches last month and the least number of competitors is your #1 Top-line keyword phrase. The one with the second most number of searches last month and the second least number of competitors is your #2 Top-line keyword phrase. Continue through your list until you have 10 - 15 top-line keyword phrases. Write them down in a new list, in order from #1 - #15. The remaining phrases from your old list are now your secondary keyword phrases. Keep those for later. Someday when you have some free time you can build some pages on your site just for those phrases. Remember, the more pages your site has the better off you'll be. For right now though you want to concentrate on your top-line phrases because you'll get more benefit out of them in alot less time. Your top-line phrases are now the building blocks of your site. Anytime you write any information on your site, you want to make sure that 2 or 3 of those phrases appear at least 4 - 9 times on the given page. For example, the pages you have been reading so far were all written with "search engine listing" and "keyword phrase" as 2 of top-line phrases for each page. Why did we do that? Because we hope to get these pages listed high in the search engines for those phrases. Again, the more pages your site has, the more will get indexed. The more that get indexed well the more visitors you will get to your site. The more visitors you get to your site the more sales you can potentially make. Those phrases are actually part of our secondary phrase list since they don't directly relate to our primary service. Since we had all our primary top-line phrases taken care of we decided to start working on a secondary list and we chose topics that would come into play as we taught you this lesson. Anytime you are adding anything to your website there is always an opportunity to apply relevant SEO tactics to try and gain additional visitor from the search engines. You still only have half the secret. Your site still needs more outside help to get good search engine placement and there are more details about where and how to use your top-line keyword phrases as well as tips on how to keep your spot once you have achieved good search engine placement. Click to learn about keyword phrase placement, & more - Part 4 |