The eBiz BlogIf you enjoy our posts, please share them using the social media options to the left or end of each post. Thursday, August 21 2014
Accepting credit cards online is easy to do. However, with the spread of card acceptance comes the risk of credit card fraud. Here we cover some of the tools and methods available to help you recognize and prevent credit card fraud. Thursday, August 14 2014
Market research is one of those terms that every small business owner has heard, but doesn't always know what it's all about or how it's done. In this post we cover all the basics, the benefits, and how you can perform your own research or hire a professional firm to do it for you. Tuesday, August 12 2014
Lots of small business owners want to be more active online, but don't know how. Blogging is the answer and in this post we explain why blogging is important and how it benefits your business. Thursday, August 07 2014
The online reputation of your business is paramount to your success. You need to actively cultivate a positive reputation and protect against negative reviews, both legitimate and fraudulent, or you could easily find your online business ruined. Read this post to learn how to protect your rep online. Tuesday, July 29 2014
Many small business owners wisely choose to make their own website to keep expenses under control. However, they forget some of the basics of customer service and marketing that are the cornerstones of a positive customer experience. Read this post to learn 3 of the most important things that commonly get overlooked. Monday, July 21 2014
Optimizing your website for the search engines is not difficult with some simple, common sense basics. Don't be fooled by the plethora of snakeoil salesman wanting thousands of dollars for SEO. Anyone can do it by applying a these tried and true tactics to every page of their website. Thursday, July 17 2014
Every page of your website is a potential entryway to your website. The title tag used on each page plays a big role in how the pages of your site are indexed and listed in the search engines. Learn how to write and use title tags for optimum SEO. Wednesday, July 09 2014
Writing quality content is an essential part of having a successful business website. Anyone can do it, but planning, consistent scheduling, proof-reading, and testing are required to establish professional level messaging. Here we cover some basic tips to get on the right track. Monday, June 30 2014
Some businesses exist exclusively online and others only maintain a presence online, but mostly function in the offline world. Very few do both effectively. If you're just starting out then you need to have a full understanding of the differences and then plan accordingly to best succeed in the realm that makes the most sense. Thursday, June 26 2014
Every website has an "About Us" page where the business attempts to let visitors into the intimate goings on behind the scenes. However, very few actually do that. Most "About Us" pages are very generic and don't give much insight at all. Here we cover some tips on how to avoid that. |