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Monday, October 21 2013

Contributing content to other sites not only helps the host site stay fresh and compelling, more importantly for you, it introduces you and your ideas to a new audience. One well-written post on a popular blog, for example, can draw hundreds if not thousands of new visitors to your site, and if they like what they see, they may stick around.

Posted by: Carol AT 10:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, October 18 2013

With millions of users sharing content every day, Pinterest has become a major player in social media and a vital addition to any online marketing plan. When used effectively, Pinterest can attract new customers to your products and services, help build your brand and show existing customers new and innovative ways to use your products.

Posted by: Carol AT 05:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, February 19 2013
Getting and keeping top search engine listings is getting tougher every day.  It can seem like an uphill battle.  Google certainly hasn't gone out of their way to make it any easier either.

We get asked all the time, "What can I do or should I do on a regular basis to get better search listings?"  There are alot of things that can be done that can contribute to the overall SEO for a website.  However, most small business people don't have alot of free time on a consistent basis to do those things.

So if your time is limited then you need a simple action plan to follow.  If you can commit to doing these 2 things on a consistent basis then over time you will find that they will make a big difference.

1. Add 1 new site page article or blog post to your site every day, if possible.  If not every day then once per week, once every 2 weeks, or at least once per month.  Try to write about something topical or engaging.  It can be something about your business, about your industry, or just something your customers might find interesting.

Include relevant keywords in the content and in a concise page title.  Shoot for 500 - 800 words max.  Then link to the page or post from your Twitter or Facebook page.

If you don't have time to add new content consistently then there are plenty of starving writers out there who would be happy to write something for you for as little as $20 for a good quality article.  Check out

2. Get at least 1 new link to your site daily or weekly.  Getting links to your site isn't as easy as it used to be.  If you're regularly writing or acquiring new, good content then you will likely pick up new links frequently by default.  However, there are still lots of places to pick up a new link here and there.  Every one has the potential to bring new visitors to your site and higher placement in the search engines.

There are tons of online directories that will list your site at no or very little cost.  If you enjoy writing then many sites offer guest blog posting options where you can write a post for their blog and include a link in it to your site.  Some sites will link to yours if you just ask them to.  Be sure to vary your links significantly.  Don't always use the same text in the link or link to the same page of your site.

If you can make time to do just 1 new page and 1 new link once per day or week then you will soon find the traffic to your site increasing on a steady basis.
Posted by: Carol AT 07:52 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Sunday, March 25 2012
Everywhere you look these days there's an "app" for this and an "app" for that.  There are even laptops being sold now that run everything "in the cloud".  That means all programs and functions are web based.  Very little operates from within the computer harddrive itself.

What I just described is how our service has been running for over 10 years now.  So technically, that makes us one of the original web "apps".  When we first started, the only ways to create and build a website were to code it by hand or to use software installed on your computer.  Then the finished website files had to be uploaded to a host.  Our system has always been web based.  Nothing ever to download or upload or install.

Over the years we have expanded significantly to include additional apps to compliment the main site builder app.
  • Email accounts can be accessed and used through our own webmail app.
  • Image files and photos can be edited using our integrated image editor app.
  • Dynamic image galleries can be created using our integrated gallery options app.
  • Live support can be provided to your customers using our live chat app.
  • Co-workers can communicate instantly and collaborate on projects using an included chat room or message board or calendar app.

Our ecommerce options include even more apps to ensure efficient and thorough customer, product, and order management.

The best part is our apps make it easy for you to build a complete, professional website that can be the "ultimate" app for your customers.  They will be able to view all your company, product, or service information at anytime.  They'll be able to communicate with you in multiple ways.  They'll be able to order, download, or play just about anything.  The flexibility and customization possible makes what you can do almost limitless.

Contact us today and let us help you get your "app" together with a new website for your business.

Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 02:11 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Thursday, February 23 2012

B2B (Business to Business) website design is different from building a website for your average customer because a company will be looking for a return on its investment. Someone building a website for their own use could be looking to start a website for their hobby, collect revenue from advertisements, or to simply jot down everything that's on their mind. A business however, could be looking to sell products through a custom e-commerce website that will create long term revenue for the company.

A business website will tell the consumer a lot about the company with the design, content, and feel it has. If your company has a basic 5 page website that looks like a child created it then you may be better off not even having one because a bad impression of you website creates a bad impression of your business as well. B2B website design should be done by a professional if you don't already have the tools to create a nice looking website yourself.

We offer the easiest way to build a custom business website yourself with a development software set that is the most flexible, cost effective, and time-tested available online. It's the next best thing to having a professional build it for you. We have different options to choose from depending on your goals of a basic website or e-commerce B2B website. Having a website has proven over and over to be the best possible return on investment since 2002. Forget paying thousands of dollars for a professional design artist and give our website development software a free trial.

If you're looking to build your company website then remember that you're talking to your customers with every piece of that website. It's your advertising and marketing strategy to current and potential customers. When you're finished designing it you should want to send it to all of your customers immediately. Don't launch it until you are 100 percent satisfied that you would contact your own company based on your impression of your website.

Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Tuesday, February 21 2012
Adding a forum to your company website will create many repeat visitors because they will want to come back time after time to discuss the topics on your website. Also, each time they come back to argue a point, answer a question, or read replies to their posts they will be adding more content to your website which gives the search engines more content to crawl. The best thing about adding a forum to your website is that you don't have to write the content yourself.

Repeat visitors are something that search engines weigh heavily when choosing which websites they want to list at the top of their search results. If 100 people visit Website A and 2 people come back within a week to view more content then you can see how a search engine might not think it has the best content for its "customers". If 100 people visit Website B which has similar content and 50 people return within the next week to views more pages then it's quite obvious which website they want to have at the top of their search results.

Adding content to your website is easy with our website builder software and has been the biggest piece of the SEO puzzle for years. Most website owners need to spend hours or even pay money to add the amount of content that they want to their website because their competitors are doing the same thing. Having a forum on your website will allow your visitors to sign in, add content and come back next week to view it again and possibly add even more content for you. People on forums will ask questions, answer questions and even argue about subjects that you have on your website which is free content.

One of the big disadvantages of having a forum on your company website is the SPAM. Having a link from your website to mine will make my website more popular. So, scam artists will visit forums and blogs to make a post which may include a link to their website making it more popular and yours less popular. You should immediately delete these spam posts and, if your forum allows, you should terminate that user so that they can't do it again.

There's no doubt that a forum will make your website much more popular for many reasons. Having an easy to use affordable website development software will allow you to control your forum and change the design yourself when needed. Take a look at our software packages that will allow you to build your website for a very low cost.
Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 09:38 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Friday, February 17 2012

Good web site development services could be a huge factor in deciding one’s business or company growth. Your business may just consist of a table and a chair or be way bigger, but expanding it over the web ought to be at the topmost of your business plan.

For your business to have a chance to expand over the Internet world, requires you to have an effective and professional website. Regardless of what online marketing strategy you choose, your website's design and its appeal is really essential. This is where a website development company could be of great assistance.

You will need to post advertisements in both the virtual and real world. You'll need to list the website as a place where info on your services and business is always available. This is the Internet. Your website will be the first image or the face a potential client from your targeted market will see. To make certain that first impression presents a good conversion rate, using web site development services is a necessity.

The Advantages

Employing the assistance of a website development company would first of all give your website that well put together, professional and/or refined touch. The web is the modern market place and your business image is definitely an important part to take into consideration.

Web site development companies would ensure that the website is appropriately designed, fast and efficient. Because a great deal of the marketing these days is done over the Internet, a polished looking site that leaves a good impression is certain to do your business a ton of good. It would appeal to more individuals and the professional impression would also gain your targeted audience’s trust. Building your own website has never been easier. But you want to make sure it looks good.

Web site design services encompass the whole range of site functions. This means you would not need to waste precious time and money on worrying about these concerns and could wholeheartedly focus on the more serious needs of the business, such as the operations.

A good web site development company could not only construct and design the website but also administer the additional functions like search engine optimization (SEO) and advertisement. Furthermore, creating & launching a site is basically the first of multiple steps.

A professional web site development company could really help and boost a business & its increase of profits. The World Wide Web is trending at the present time & it is recommended that all companies also turn into online trendsetters by obtaining the right web site development services.

Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Wednesday, February 15 2012
Did you ever wonder how you could expand your own business more? By entering your business into ecommerce, it will have a good opportunity to expand online and gain more profit. People today are always online, and doing business online is very convenient for online shoppers. To enter the ecommerce world you need to have an ecommerce business website. It sounds very nice, but before venturing into ecommerce, there are things that you must know first.

Electronic commerce, shortened as ecommerce refers to the buying and selling of products or services through the internet. However, the term may refer to more than just that. It includes the entire process of advertising, developing, servicing, delivering, and paying for services and products online. Businesses done online are growing steadily due to the massive use of the internet. eCommerce also offers innovations like electronic funds transfer, online transaction process, internet marketing, supply chain management, and inventory management systems. In addition, ecommerce does not only use the internet but it crawls over other technologies too like, mobile phones.

Though it seems that ecommerce is great, it still has its flaws. One major disadvantage is about product marketing. eCommerce websites can only offer potential customers words and visuals of a product. They will not be able to see it in reality, touch it, and test it. Advertising using word of mouth is a very effective way to get them to try your product, but this is difficult for a business that just started and does not have enough customers to get some good feedback. Security, privacy, and contracts may pose some problems too when dealing with online transactions. There are things that you might consider first to make sure that your business will be safe.

What you can do to make sure everything will be fine is to get our site builder service for your website. Not doing this will result in money and time wasted. Doing business online has its risks, it is much better to lower it down. has its own set of tools making your website get professional quality, and there are limitless design templates for you to choose from. Your business deserves the best. Getting your business online is a little difficult, but you can do it with the proper service and tools at your fingertips.

Entering the ecommerce world might seem tough at first. Good resources and knowledge for your business online is necessary to make your venture into the online world smoother. Nevertheless, having services and products that can compete with others is a large factor too that will make your business successful. In addition, you can be sure that a good website will help add more numbers to your profits. Opening an ecommerce website will open new possibilities for your business. Patience and dedication to it will greatly help you build your website and gain more profits with less expense. In due time, this will greatly give you additional profits that will make your business grow more.
Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 08:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, February 13 2012

Due to the availability of software that simplifies what used to be complicated programming, more and more people have been inclined to create a custom website on their own. It is quite pricey to employ the services of a web designer when all you need is a simple website. Creating your own website could save you thousands of dollars and can be quite a rewarding activity.  It is also an assurance that you have control of every aspect of the website creation. This is now all possible, thanks to the software and methods of today’s time, anyone with a simple computer and basic knowledge can create their own website however they wish it may be.

Take a look at our Website Builder Software Prices here >>

However, you should remember that designing a custom website requires a lot of time to be invested and some money to be spent. There are also details that need to be covered that may seem to be a miniscule task but could potentially lead to a huge disaster if not attended to. An example of this is having the wrong text for the content of your website or having an unorganized page, these are factors that could bring in problems and would be a waste of time and money.

Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 01:00 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, January 30 2012

If you own a small business and you wish to improve its performance and efficiency, then you should consider researching about a few small business program solutions that can help improve the productivity in your workplace. Most of these programs are designed to help business owners improve the efficiency of their business while increasing speed in all its operations. But because of the huge increase in the number of programs that are designed for small businesses, you have to consider sorting out which among them can work perfectly for you. Here are few of the most popular programs that can offer a lot of help to your business:

1. CRM Software. This specific program is designed to effectively manage contacts. This gives you an easier time managing all details linked to your clients especially their personal information. With the help of this software, you also get the chance to identify the specific products and services that your previous clients usually purchase. This is also a good way to effectively manage new clients because you can easily handle their inquiries. Aside from helping you manage your contacts, the CRM software is also a huge help in determining which among your products and services receive great reviews and higher sales. This also works in effectively keeping track of all your marketing campaigns by regularly generating relevant reports.

2. Website Building Software. This is one of the most essential small business program solutions as this helps you in further exposing your business. Our software is extremely useful for you if you want to build your own website. The good thing about using the best out of the many website building programs that are available in the market is that you increase your chances of creating a more appealing website. This is a huge help in capturing the attention of the public and in inviting them to visit your site and try out your products and services.

See our Website Builder Software here >>

3. Lead Management System. This is extremely useful for you if you are in desperate need of prospects. A lead management program can significantly increase the number of your prospects and turn them into actual clients. The good thing about this is that you can find programs that are designed to manage your leads at affordable prices. You can also expect the program to help you keep track of your leads and score and prioritize them. Another advantage of using this program is that you can customize it in accordance to the specific needs of your business.

4. Payroll Software. This is extremely beneficial in improving the productivity in your workplace as this software helps in automatically calculating the individual earnings of your employees or affiliates, their taxes and other details that affect their net income. If you are thinking of getting this type of program, then it is advisable for you to look for that which allows you to customize payroll designations to increase your chances of effectively controlling your payroll activities. You should also take note of the fact that there are payroll programs out there that allow you to automatically print payroll checks and pay stubs together within just a single click. Payroll software is one of the most useful small business program solutions that are introduced to business owners because of its ability to improve the productivity in your payroll department.

Posted by: Carol Stevens AT 06:30 am   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email

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