The eBiz BlogIf you enjoy our posts, please share them using the social media options to the left or end of each post. Thursday, December 12 2013
Video has become a vital part of how information is shared and consumed on the Web. No longer are websites simply static, text-heavy, computerized brochures. They are interactive, multi-faceted, and interesting, thanks in large part to the addition of video. Think about it, would you rather read several paragraphs of text explaining how a new device works? Or is it more interesting to watch a 90-second video demonstrating the product? Including video on your website has a number of benefits besides keeping your customers on the site longer. Studies show that businesses that incorporate video into their website saw sales increase between 20 to 40 percent, and customers who watch videos are almost 90 percent more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t. Including video on your website can also improve your search engine optimization (SEO). When search engines crawl your site they can now index videos and the audible content in those videos. There is a chance that your video could show up as a separate entity in search results based on the audible content, thereby improving the chances that users will click to your site. Of course, incorporating video into your business web site design doesn’t mean grabbing your old camcorder and making a detailed sales pitch in a poorly lit room. A truly effective video needs to be well-thought out and executed. Doing It Yourself There are lots of tools to help amateurs produce videos. Some inexpensive software can be used to edit a video, to add graphics to video, and to add separate audio tracks to a video if the mic on a camera doesn't produce good sound. One tool that can really make a big difference in making a video that looks professional is a simple tripod. If you have products that you're featuring in your videos then consider investing in a basic lighting kit and carousel to have the product rotate in front of a stationary background. Figuring out how to produce a high quality video will take time and some trial and error. But it can be done if you work at it. Get Professional Help Few entrepreneurs have the technical skills or time required to create a top-notch video. If that's you and the video is to be a centerpiece of your marketing efforts, consider hiring a professional video production company. It will cost more, but you’ll have something worthy of pride that is truly representative of your brand. There are many options online for finding a professional to produce your videos. If you'll need new videos frequently then consider using someone local that you can build a relationship with. However, always ask for references and also get quotes from non-local providers before making any decision. Develop a Message A video can help you boost sales, but only if it’s compelling and makes people want to watch. Before investing a cent in production, determine what your video’s message will be and how you can best express your brand. Plan it out and write a script. Solicit input from your sales and marketing staff or, if you don't have your own sales staff, then there are plenty of places online where you can bounce ideas off other entrepreneurs or folks in the marketing field. Technical Specifications Ideally, your video should be no longer than three minutes and even shorter if it will be on your site’s homepage. Don’t be afraid to repeat some information that’s found elsewhere on your site, and include a call to action with contact information. Be sure that the sound is audible, the graphics are crisp and clear and that everyone looks their very best. Share Your Work By hosting your video on a site like YouTube, you can link to it from your website (and your social media pages — don’t be afraid to share on Google+, Facebook, Twitter) and have it show up in keyword-based search results. However, don’t limit yourself to just YouTube. There are several different video hosting options available, so investigate several to find the best for meeting your unique goals. Including video on your website can make a measurable difference in your sales and site traffic and engage your customers in a new and exciting way, so get ready for your close-up. Comments: