The eBiz BlogIf you enjoy our posts, please share them using the social media options to the left or end of each post. Sunday, March 25 2012
Everywhere you look these days there's an "app" for this and an "app" for that. There are even laptops being sold now that run everything "in the cloud". That means all programs and functions are web based. Very little operates from within the computer harddrive itself.
What I just described is how our service has been running for over 10 years now. So technically, that makes us one of the original web "apps". When we first started, the only ways to create and build a website were to code it by hand or to use software installed on your computer. Then the finished website files had to be uploaded to a host. Our system has always been web based. Nothing ever to download or upload or install. Over the years we have expanded significantly to include additional apps to compliment the main site builder app.
Our ecommerce options include even more apps to ensure efficient and thorough customer, product, and order management. The best part is our apps make it easy for you to build a complete, professional website that can be the "ultimate" app for your customers. They will be able to view all your company, product, or service information at anytime. They'll be able to communicate with you in multiple ways. They'll be able to order, download, or play just about anything. The flexibility and customization possible makes what you can do almost limitless. Contact us today and let us help you get your "app" together with a new website for your business. Comments: