The eBiz BlogIf you enjoy our posts, please share them using the social media options to the left or end of each post. Thursday, February 23 2012
B2B (Business to Business) website design is different from building a website for your average customer because a company will be looking for a return on its investment. Someone building a website for their own use could be looking to start a website for their hobby, collect revenue from advertisements, or to simply jot down everything that's on their mind. A business however, could be looking to sell products through a custom e-commerce website that will create long term revenue for the company. A business website will tell the consumer a lot about the company with the design, content, and feel it has. If your company has a basic 5 page website that looks like a child created it then you may be better off not even having one because a bad impression of you website creates a bad impression of your business as well. B2B website design should be done by a professional if you don't already have the tools to create a nice looking website yourself. We offer the easiest way to build a custom business website yourself with a development software set that is the most flexible, cost effective, and time-tested available online. It's the next best thing to having a professional build it for you. We have different options to choose from depending on your goals of a basic website or e-commerce B2B website. Having a website has proven over and over to be the best possible return on investment since 2002. Forget paying thousands of dollars for a professional design artist and give our website development software a free trial. If you're looking to build your company website then remember that you're talking to your customers with every piece of that website. It's your advertising and marketing strategy to current and potential customers. When you're finished designing it you should want to send it to all of your customers immediately. Don't launch it until you are 100 percent satisfied that you would contact your own company based on your impression of your website. Comments: