About Us
Back in the late 1990's, the internet was starting to become mainstream. It wasn't common for small businesses or individuals to have their own website. Very few people had the technical knowledge required to build websites and the cost was prohibitive. Having your own website was more of a novelty than anything else. But the writing was on the wall for us and we could see the future, clear as day. Everybody was going to want their own website eventually. So learning how to build sites was a no-brainer. Skip ahead a couple of years and that prediction was coming true. However, a few problems were becoming apparent. As a small business ourselves, there was going to be a limit on the number of websites we could directly manage and maintain for clients. The going rate for having a site made was steadily going up and pricing more businesses out of ever getting one. Something had to be done to make it easier to get a website. Microsoft Corporation soon released a program called Frontpage and Adobe had PageMill, which were programs that enabled the creation of websites without having to work with the coding directly. However, you still needed to be an experienced computer user to get anything useful out of those programs. Getting what you produced offline using those programs uploaded to the online world could be very complicated. They weren't easy for the average business owner to use and didn't produce very attractive websites. An even better way was needed and we were determined to provide it. So in March 2001 we launched one of the first browser-based web apps to create a website totally online, without any technical experience required. We've been expanding and improving upon our online site builder even since. We're proud that our software is the easiest, most powerful, flexible web builder to produce high-quality, professional and affordable small business websites.
About our Online Web Site Builder Software.Do-It-YourselfThe eBizWebpages Online Web Site Builder Software is designed for the average Internet user. We enable any organization to easily publish a high quality, interactive web site. Our online tools allow anyone with a web browser and an Internet connection to easily control their online presence. A Complete Solution We have included everything you'll need to make your own website. With only your web browser, you'll be able to design, build, and publish your very own web site all by yourself. Or, if you prefer, we will do it all for you so that you can focus solely on running your business. Whatever you choose you'll receive all the tools, services, and priority support you'll need to have a professional looking and functioning web site. Fast, Easy, and Affordable |
Online Web Site Builder